Facts: Columbia Basin Project

Columbia Basin Project Facts and Issues


Grand Coulee/Columbia Basin Project:  Getting Started

  • July 28, 1933 - Funds  appropriated, National Industrial Recovery Act 
  • August 30, 1935 - Rivers and Harbors Act, authorized
  • March 10, 1943 -  Columbia Basin Project Act, renamed and reauthorized Project

The Project

  • Multi-purpose
  • 1,029,000 authorized acres
  • Diversions at Coulee — 2.65 million acre-feet 
  • 671,000 acres irrigated
  • 350,000 acres of Federal land and over 6,000 miles of right-of-way


   Columbia Basin Project Map

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671,000 Irrigated Acres

  • Nearly all operations still family management
  • 6,000 Farm Units 557,500 acres
  • 114,000 Water Service Contracts and Sub-Area acres


Recreation Benefits

  • 350,000 acres of Project land and water available for recreation
  • Before development, 35 lakes
  • Today, over 140 lakes, ponds, and reservoirs
  • Grant County is now the most heavily fished freshwater county in the state

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