Columbia Basin Film Project

Do you know the Columbia Basin Project story?

It begins with an arid desert and an opportunity to make history. Dedicated visionaries persevere over 80 years, transforming the once desolate land into a flourishing community. Family farms thrive. Vibrant habitats attract and sustain a diversity of wildlife. A hallmark power system is born. Three million annual visitors enjoy the area’s abundant recreation. The once arid desert now generates over $4 billion of cumulative economic activity every year.

But the future of the Columbia Basin Project is in jeopardy.

Current CBP infrastructure brings renewable irrigation water to 671,000 acres of land, but that infrastructure is aging, in dire need of reinvestment. Additional infrastructure is needed to bridge the gap between that same source of water, the Columbia River, and the remaining 358,000 acres of land

The Columbia Basin Project needs your help!

Leveraging the power of motion picture to connect to the hearts and minds of viewers, the Columbia Basin Development League will create a short documentary that shines a floodlight on the Basin’s incredible story, raising awareness of the Columbia Basin Project to the public and influencing policy makers to give the Columbia Basin Project the happy ending it deserves.

You can keep this story alive and help secure the future benefit of the Columbia Basin Project for our region, state, and nation.

Learn more about the film project.


Make a donation today!

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PDF form - print and fill out and mail to PO Box 745, Cashmere WA, 98815