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WSU 2016 Long-Term Water Supply and Demand Forecast

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Sticker Shock? Odessa Subarea groundwater replacement project moves forward, but some growers worry that the cost of water is too high.

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Another Step Taken Toward Bringing Water to Odessa Subarea

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Plans are Started for Distribution System of New Irrigation Water

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Work Continues on Project to Bring More Surface Water to Farmers

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Water flows to 17,639 acres in Columbia Basin Project's Odessa Subarea

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Odessa irrigation update to be featured at CBDL meeting

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Potato Industry Leadership Institute to be Held in February

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Ecology and the Dept of Agriculture (WSDA) Present 2020 Water Goals to Governor

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Water could arrive to Odessa subarea farmers in 2016

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Water replacement project moves forward for Odessa aquifer

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Agencies sign contracts for Odessa irrigation water

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Irrigators weigh costs of surface water

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Work begins to remedy declining Odessa water

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