Irrigation District Updates

Columbia Basin Project Irrigation District Board Meeting Dates, Minutes, and District Notices


East Columbia Basin Irrigation District

The ECBID board meets the first Wednesday of every month at 10:00 AM at the District Headquarters, 55 N. 8th Avenue in Othello.

ECBID Board Minutes

ECBID Job Openings

ECBID OGWRP Newletter - September 2017


South Columbia Basin Irrigation District

The SCBID board meets the second Thursday of each month at 9:00 AM.

SCBID Job Openings



Quincy Columbia Basin Irrigation District

The QCBID board meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM at the QCBID headquaters, 1720 South Central Avenue in Quincy.

QCBID Job Openings

QCBID Board Elections - 10/2016