Facts CBDL

Columbia Basin Development League Facts and Statistics


Who We Are:

·         Formed in 1964 to support completion of the Columbia Basin Project

·         Protect Project water rights and educate the public on the renewable resource and multiple-purpose benefits of the Project

·         Current focus is on replacing groundwater withdrawals from the Odessa Aquifer with Project water supplies

·         501 (c) 6 non-profit corporation



·         Membership based

·         Membership includes individuals, businesses, agencies, organizations or other entity interested in the Project

·         Members receive:

    • Monthly newsletter
    • Voice at meetings and hearings where Project interests are concerned
    • Representation with State and Federal Legislators and Regulators
    • Representation with others through alliances, networks, partnerships
    • Means of educating public about economic and environmental value of Project

Organizational Structure:

·         30 Trustees govern who are elected from municipalities with the Project

·         Executive Committee includes five Board officers and four members-at-large

·         Board meetings open to members and persons interested in the League

·         Executive Director and Director of Government Relations execute Board policy


Work In Partnership With:

·         Adams County

·         Big Bend Resource Conservation & Development Council

·         Department of Ecology Office of Columbia River

·         East Columbia Basin Irrigation District

·         Franklin County

·         Grant County

·         Lincoln County

·         Northwest Food Processors Association

·         Quincy Columbia Basin Irrigation District

·         South Columbia Basin Irrigation District

·         U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

·         Washington State Potato Commission


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